Reims (France), 23-26 April, 2024
Plenary conference 1: Research on teaching knowledge in geometry: the case of proof in the United States
Speaker: Patricio Herbst
Presenter: Angel Gutiérrez
Plenary conference 2: Teaching and learning geometry in early grades with technology
Speaker: Nathalie Sinclair
Presenter: Cathy Bruce
Plenary panel 1: Framing geometric representations and practices in culturally diverse settings
Speakers: Zhara Gooya (Iran); Lisnet Mwadzaangati (Malawi); Milton Rosa (Brazil); Natalia Sgreccia (Argentina)
Chair: Tom Lowrie
Plenary panel 2: Teaching geometry in France
Speakers: Isabelle Audra, Mélanie Binet, Bernadette Da Motta, Marie-Paul Foy, Aurélie Marche, Christine Trouillet
Chair: Fabien Emprin
Distribution of time for oral paper presentations:
- Papers scheduled 30/37* minutes: presentation (15 minutes) + discussion (15/22 minutes)
- Papers scheduled 45 minutes: presentation (20 minutes) + discussion (25 minutes)
* The time available for presentations in session S1 is 75 minutes.
Co-chairs: Cathy Bruce and Keith Jones
S1. 11:15-11:30
Co-chairs and participants
Introduction of the WG and participants
S1. 11:30-12:07
Bruce, C., Sinclair, N., Bodnar, J., Jackiw, N.
Grids as objects and tools for the geometry curriculum
S1. 12:07-12:45
Freiman, V., Fellus, O.
Spatial reasoning in authentic contexts of an engeeniring challenge: tapping into children's intuitive understanding of relationships between objects and self
S2. 15:30-16:00
Fujita, T., Kondo, Y., Kumakura, H., Miyawaki, S., Kunimune, S., Shojima, K., Jones, K.
Identifying a sequence of core skills for deductive proving in secondary school geometry
S2. 16:00-16:30
Chicalote-Jiménez, TA., Ortiz-May, D.J., Gómez-Arciga, A.
Undergraduate mathematics students' reasoning and argumentation in problem-solving geometrical tasks
S2. 16:30-17:00
Gambini, A., Viola, G., Ferretti, F.
The role of visual mediators in geometric learning processes in university education
S3. 9:00-9:30
Harris, D., Logan, T., Lowrie, T.
Visualization and spatial visualization in geometry
S3. 9:30-10:00
Herbst, P., Chazan, D.
From geometric thinking to geometric practice: the potential of representations of practice for teaching and learning geometry in secondary schools
S3. 10:00-10:30
Jahn, A.P., Leme da Silva, M.
Proofs in geometry teaching in the Brazilian context: a representation of yesterday and today
S4. 11:00-11:30
Marchand, P., Sinclair, N., Julien, N.
A dynamic and spatial approach to enrich the teaching and learning of geometry in primary school
S4. 11:30-12:00
Watanabe, S.
Guided play that fosters the development of children's spatial ability
S4. 12:00-12:30
Miranda, A.
Building mathematical maturity through algebraic topology challenging paths
S5. 15:30-16:00
Palatnik, A.
On the role of shifts of attention and figural apprehension in the evolution of geometric perception
S5. 16:00-16:30
Resnick, I., Adams, J.
Spatial reasoning interventions and transfer to geometry: what we know about mechanism
S5. 16:30-17:00
Miragliotta, E.
Geometric prediction as a bridging process between transforming and understanding
Co-chairs: Roza Leikin and Yukari Okamoto
S1. 11:15-11:30
Co-chairs and participants
Introduction of the WG and participants
S1. 11:30-12:07
Arnal-Bailera, A., Manero, V.
Expert judgment for content validation of a questionnaire on the level 5 definition process within the Van Hiele framework
S1. 12:07-12:45
Carvalho E Silva, J.
Geometry teaching from Babylon to the computer era
S2. 15:30-16:15
Eraky, A., Hadad, B.-S., Hel-Or, H., Abboud, E., Leikin, R.
Exploring creative problem-solving with eye-tracking methodology
S2. 16:15-17:00
González, G., Shehab, S., Powers, E.
Teaching geometry to advance design justice
S3. 9:00-9:30
Karp, A.
Problem types in geometry textbooks: Russia's experience
S3. 9:30-10:00
Milinkovic, J., Vorkapic, M.
Discovering geometry in African ethno artifacts
S3. 10:00-10:30
Rafiepour, A.
Geometry education in Iranian school mathematics: current situation and future challenges
S4. 11:00-11:45
Neubrand, M.
Multi-perspectivity: a 'red thread' through discussions on geometry for teaching and learning
S4. 11:45-12:30
Perrin-Glorian, M.-J., Mathé, A.-C., Celi, V., Bulf, C.
How to teach geometry in continuity along schooling?
S5. 15:30-16:00
Pieng, P., Okamoto, Y., Weckbacher, L.
Language and mathematics: a case of geometric shape identification
S5. 16:00-16:30
Mora, M., Gutiérrez, A., Jaime, A.
Analysis of visualization as an indicator of mathematical giftedness
S5. 16:30-17:00
Petitfour, E.
Approach to teaching geometry to dyspraxia students
Co-chairs: Lisne Mwadzaangati and Milton Rosa
S1. 11:15-11:30
Co-chairs and participants
Introduction of the WG and participants
S1. 11:30-12:00
Molina, O., Samper, C., Vargas, C., Camargo, L., Perry, P.
What structure must the statement of a geomentry task have to promote a certain type of argument?
S1. 12:00-12:30
Stroetmann, E., Kortenkamp, U.
Designing meaningful tasks to promote argumentation skills in DGE - a concept for a professional development program
S1. 12:30-12:45
Co-chairs and participants
General discussion
S2. 15:30-16:00
Vargas Herrera, J.P., Vanegas, Y., Giménez, J.
Criteria used by prospective elementary school teachers when approaching a 3D figure classification task
S2. 16:00-16:30
Morales-Ramirez, G., Caviedes, S., Pino-Fan, L.
How do prospective secondary school teachers propose and solve geometric tasks?
S2. 16:30-17:00
Co-chairs and participants
General discussion
S3. 9:00-9:30
Caviedes, S., De Gamboa, G., Badillo, E., Pino-Fan, L.
Definitions of prospective primary teachers concerning the area of 2D figures
S3. 9:30-10:00
Kondratieva, M.
Casual and geometric praxeologies in a study of symmetric figures
S3. 10:00-10:30
Mangiante-Orsola, C., Guille-Biel Winder, C.
Learning stakes targeted by teachers in a figure restoration activity
S4. 11:00-11:30
Orey, D.C., Rosa, M., Rosa Filho, O.
Investigating geometric knowledge in the art of Sisal tapestry in a local community through ethnomodelling
S4. 11:30-12:00
Rosa, M., Orey, D.C., Da Silva, G.A.P.
A pedagogical action based on an ethnomathematical perspective for the development of geometric content for visually impaired students to improve the teaching practice of a visually impaired mathematics teacher
S4. 12:00-12:30
Yevdokimov, O.
The use of straightedge, compass, and fixed shapes to enhance the content knowledge of mathematics teachers in their professional training in geometry education
S4. 12:30-12:40
Co-chairs and participants
General discussion
S5. 15:30-16:00
Abboud, M., Emprin, F.
Classroom simulators: a new training approach to investagate teachers professionnal knowledge and support its development
S5. 16:00-16:30
Baranovic, N.
Teaching and learning geometry of pre-service primary education teachers based on the visual-analytical method of directed observation
S5. 16:30-17:00
Mwadzaangati, L., Adler, J.
Lesson study as a context for teachers' learning of language responsive geometry teaching
S5. 17:00-17:10
Co-chairs and participants
General discussion
Co-chairs: Jean-Luc Dorier and Oi-Lam Ng
S1. 11:15-11:30
Co-chairs and participants
Introduction of the WG and participants
S1. 11:30-12:07
Hoyos, V., Robles-Pecina, L.
Connecting secondary and college geometry: resolution of problems of finding intersections and measures of curves using dynamic geometry software
S1. 12:07-12:45
Athias, F.
Dynamic geometry in primary school
S2. 15:30-16:00
Baccaglini-Frank, A., Funghi, S., Miragliotta, E.
The notion of angle and the GGBot as a tool-to-think-with ... or without
S2. 16:00-16:30
Cui, Z., Ng, O.-L., Koo, C.M.
Learning coordinate geometry with Scratch: task design from an embodied and APOS approach
S2. 16:30-17:00
Sua, C., Gutiérrez, A., Jaime, A.
Analogies: a way to promote the learning of proof in 3d geometry using dynamic geometry environments
S3. 9:00-9:45
Coutat, S., Dorier, J.-L.
Virtual environment for spatial knowledge, oportunities and learning objectives
S3. 9:45-10:30
Brandl, M., Hackstein, U., Vinerean, M., Liljekvist, Y.
The digital interactive mathematical map for geometry
S4. 11:00-11:45
Aebischer, T.
Destructuring / restructuring of an artifact: the case of the number line
S4. 11:45-12:30
Kortenkamp, U., Larkin, K.
How can virtual geometry manipulatives be used in ways that mitigate their ontological, technological and pedagogical limitations?
S5. 15:30-16:15
Shao, M.-Y., Trgalova, J., Trouche, L.
How teachers coordinate students' empirical perception and logical reasoning: Chinese and French cases
S5. 16:15-17:00
Yerushamly, M., Olsher, S.
Descriptive automated assessment: facilitating inquiry in geometry
Co-chairs: Fabien Emprin and Manuel Santos-Trigo
S1. 11:15-11:30
Co-chairs and participants
Introduction of the WG and participants
S1. 11:30-12:07
Bahramibidkalme, M., Gooya, Z., Gholamazad, S.
A structured practical activitiy to enhance understanding of circle circum-ference and π approximation
S1. 12:07-12:45
Sgreccia, N., Schaefer, L., Grossi, S., Di Biaggio, B.
Development of resources to study geometry reusing materials
S2. 15:30-16:15
Blanquart Henry, S., Guille-Biel Winder, C., Petitfour, E.
Knowledge and reasoning in circulation during a situation of figures reproduction by folding
S2. 16:15-17:00
Douaire, J., Emprin, F.
Contrubition of gestures to the acquisition of geometric properties
S3. 9:00-9:45
Kumar, R., Srinivas, S.
Supporting geometric reasoning for underserved students in India through connected learning initiative
S3. 9:45-10:30
Maschietto, M.
Material and digital tools for geometry in mathematics laboratory
S4. 11:00-11:45
Bernabeu, M., Buforn, A., Castillo, S.
The development of sequential and discursive apprehension in kinder-garten students when they build polygons
S4. 11:45-12:30
Sharma, S.
What makes a shape 2D or 3D? - Use of teaching and learning resources in geometry year 5/6 classroom
S5. 15:30-16:15
Tavakoli, M., Gooya, Z.
Challenges of integrating DGS with geometry education
S5. 16:15-17:00
Vendeira, C., Coutat, S.
Developing analytical thinking in the recognition of unusual geometrical shapes with young pupils (from 4-8-year-old)