The ICMI Study Conference

The 26th ICMI Study focuses on Advances in Geometry Education and is planned to provide a platform for teachers, teacher educators, researchers, policy makers, and other stakeholders around the world to share research, practices, projects, and reports that advance the understanding of geometry.

The 26th ICMI Study is built around an International Study Conference, which is directed towards the preparation of a volume published on the New ICMI Studies Series. In the conference, substantial time will be allocated for collective work and discussion on significant problems within the four topics and the related themes. Outcomes from the conference activity will provide the foundations for the Study volume.

The Study Conference will be organized around working groups on the topics presented in the Discussion Document. The working groups will meet in parallel during the conference. It is the work of these groups that will be captured as chapters in the ICMI Study volume.

Authors should nominate the topic (one of four) and sub-topic in which they would like their paper considered, by examining the content and questions outlined in the topic sections presented in the Discussion Document. We encourage papers that are analytical and innovative rather than papers that are merely descriptive in nature. It may be the case that interconnections between sub-topics will emerge and warrant attention; consequently, papers may be re-allocated by the IPC if needed.

The conference is now closed.


The proceedings are now available 

You can now download the proceedings here : Proceedings


Discussion document

The Discussion Document includes all the relevant information about the scientific and organizational sides of the ICMI Study. In particular, it includes the information about the objectives and relevant questions to be adressed by each topic and sub-topic. We suggest you to download the Discussion Document, for your reference.



download the discussions document

Location and dates

The Study Conference took place at the University of Reims Champagne Ardenne – INSPE  Reims, France from Tuesday 23rd April to Friday 26th April, 2024.


The registration to the Study Conference were opened from November 30, 2023 and closed on March 1, 2024.

The cost of the registration is fixed to 200 Euros. The registration fee covers:

● an electronic copy of the conference proceedings,
● 4 lunches and 7 coffee breaks,
● a conference dinner,
● the costs of venue, administrative work, technical assistance, and facilities needed for the conference.

Registrations are now closed.


Photos copyrights

CC BY NC ND - Alexandre Booms et Fabien Emprin.

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